UBHS Boy Scout of the Philippines Joined the 67th Jamboree-on-the-Air (JOTA) and 28th Jamboree-on-the-Internet (JOTI) 

Written by Ana Lyn Dingli

October 19, 2024 – The University of Baguio actively contributes to national and international partnerships,  exemplifying its alignment with UN SDG #17 – Partnerships for the Goals. Notably, the  University of Baguio High School Boy Scouts of the Philippines, in collaboration with the  City Council, hosted the 67th Jamboree-on-the-Air (JOTA) and the 28th Jamboree-on-the Internet (JOTI) for the second year. This event, organized with the World Organization of the  Scout Movement (WOSM) under the theme “Scouts for a Greener World,” brought Scouts  together globally to foster friendships, cultural exchange, and storytelling via amateur radio and  internet communication. Scout participants gained new experiences and heightened awareness,  reinforcing their commitment to global connectivity and environmental stewardship. 

Many participants coming from all over Baguio City joined the jamboree, with 36 senior scouts  coming from UBHS and over 150 participants from the different schools: UB Science High  School, Saint Louis University, Don Bosco High School of Baguio City, Baguio City National  High School, Irisan National High School, Fort Del Pilar National High School, and Roxas  National High School attending the event with delight. The event started with a Scouts’  formation in front of the Legacy Building, followed by a program in the Physics Lab, M201. The  program started with a prayer via amateur radio, the singing of the national anthem, and a  rededication to the Scout Oath and Law. Opening remarks were delivered by Kim Rober De  Leon, BSP Director IV, followed by an inspirational message from Hon. Dale B. Corvera, the  National President of BSP. 

As the JOTA-JOTI is considered the largest digital scouting event, it provides an opportunity for youth to explore a global network of computers and communication technologies. The jamboree combines fun and learning, with the JOTA session utilizing amateur radios to connect Scouts worldwide through high frequencies (HF) and digital voice radio communication, a distinctive feature of the event. The official Amateur Radio Club of the Boy Scouts of the  Philippines, DX1BSP, was established under National Executive Board Resolution No. 53- 2017. Simultaneously, JOTI activities were conducted in the school’s computer labs, where  Scouts engaged with various internet techniques to communicate, collaborate, and foster global friendships. With the jamboree closing, it not only strengthens global connections but also inspires Scouts to learn from each other. As they returned home with fresh ideas and renewed enthusiasm, the message was clear: every small action counts in creating a greener world.

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